Non-Profit Transferable Skills Profiles

Non-profit Transferable Skills project was created to assist employers with the recruitment tactics and strategies, to provide a framework within human resources functions in organizations that do not have an HR professional on staff, and help job seekers to better understand the non-profit sector when looking for a job.

The Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin led this project, with partnership from local non-profits, to define what transferable skills all non-profits need in key roles with in their organizations. We recognize that we need specialized skills within our organizations but where did base skills sets overlap in those key roles. Out of surveys and interviews, a skills profile has been developed for each key role. Non-profits can use these profiles as a skills starting point and then add specialized skills they seek for their organization when they create job postings and job descriptions, think about future skills training or design and conduct performance evaluations. For jobseekers who may have public administration or for-profit experience, this profile would help them develop their application to meet the needs of the employers and help them find their best fit. These skills profiles could improve communication from employers and skills needs and from jobseekers/students interested in the sector around the skills they offer, providing a better opportunity for skills – based hiring and development.

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