Every other year the bi-annual EmployerOne Survey conducted by the Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin allows businesses to share important information about hiring challenges and specific workforce needs. This valuable information is shared with over 30 Partner organizations including Job Developers, Educators, Economic Developers, Industry Associations and Business Support Agencies to help shape programming related to local workforce development. The more respondents the survey receives, the more accurate and complete the data becomes.
The Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin is calling on all employers to help us better understand workforce issues facing your business and industry. The EmployerOne survey is designed to collect information on a range of topics and trends including projected vacancies, hiring intentions, recruitment strategies and challenges, as well as your perception on candidate skills, education and training. After analysis, the aggregated data and feedbacks will be released to educators, trainers, community partners, government agencies and the public so that a better understanding of the local labour markets can be developed and better strategies produced to improve overall workforce and employer needs.
In January 2024, 245 businesses completed the survey. Please click on the report below to learn what participating businesses shared with us.
Download the English survey HERE
Téléchargez le rapport français ICI
If you have any questions or would like to participate in the EmployerOne survey, please email Bennett at bennett@workforceplanningboard.com.